Gem Innovation Schools of Idaho

Charter school network
Deary, ID
Gem Prep provides a blended education model across rural Idaho and delivers education virtually. Education is not equitable across geographic lines and Idaho is a state already ranked lowest in the nation for per-pupil spending. But through its “Learning Societies,” Gem Prep Online (GPO) meets the needs of rural families that would otherwise not have access to the school because there is no full-time adult in the home. Growing from one to seven schools in just nine years, Gem’s schools rank among the best in the state for student outcomes. In 2023-24, GEM will expand its two pilot Societies to include secondary grades, and open a third Learning Society in another rural community (two of the three Societies already have full enrollment and waitlists). With the $1 million Yass Prize, Gem Prep would open its Learning Societies program to additional rural Idaho communities — and beyond!