Education Innovators to Nation’s New Leaders:
Give Us the Power to Fix Education
Learn About the Impact of the Yass Prize
Watch: Janine & Jeff Yass at the 2023 Yass Prize Summit.
2024 Awardees Take on Miami
About STOP
Highlights from the 2024 Miami Accelerator
25 awardees, more than 15 alumni who shared and collaborated, over 20 powerful speakers, four fantastic sponsors, and one incredible host.
Watch: Yass Prize Founders Jeff & Janine at the 2023 Gala
Learn What It Means to STOP For Education
STOP for Education operates on four core principles – Sustainable, Transformational, Outstanding, and Permissionless education – working to shape policy change and drive positive outcomes for every child.
Latest News
Education Innovators to Nation’s New Leaders: Give Us the Power to Fix Education
Trade-related Awardees of the Yass Prize
Primer Microschools is named 2024 Yass Prize Winner
The Yass Foundation for Education advances the four core STOP principles: Sustainable, Transformational, Outstanding, and Permissionless education. Each year, the Foundation will reward dozens of organizations, building a growing network of innovative providers that
demonstrate these qualities in their commitment to new ideas, technologies, and approaches to learning that bring education into
the 21st century. The Foundation is powered by the Center for Education Reform (CER) in partnership with Forbes.
I'm a Yass Prize finalist from last year.
And through that, we were able to open up our second campus in the city of Wichita.
If you're committed to wanting to be one of the change makers of the future in education, I believe that this is a place for you.
Not only because of the capital, but because of the knowledge that comes by communing with the diverse group of people as opposed to everybody that thinks the exact same way that you might think.
We have a tremendously transformative model that could stand for a little disruption.
The Yass experience has given us “permission” to do exactly that.
The Yass Award is about celebrating and rewarding those who make students the priority.”
I’m dreaming bigger, bolder, and more bodacious [because of the Yass Prize].
It has helped me raise the ceiling on what’s possible.
The Yass Prize process has created an awareness of the education freedom movement within churches and communities.
It's given us an opportunity to start critical discussions with our congregations, parents, community leaders and members, about the laws that govern education in Pennsylvania.
The Yass Prize has significantly impacted the trajectory of our organization.
When we originally applied, we simply provided supplemental support services to homeschooling families. Now, we are growing into an education network that provides community, coaching, and curriculum nationwide.
It might be the first time you’re speaking where everyone is actually listening and cares about what you’re doing.
I don’t think I’ve been in a room as supportive as the Yass Prize Semifinalist room in Miami.
The foundation of any society is a good education.
Believe in your mission… Ground yourself… Never give up…
Having the status of Yass Prize Semifinalist has opened doors that we’ve been knocking on for years,
including public recognition from our Governor and partnership conversations with other education innovators from around the country.
One of the missions of the Yass Prize and the Yass Prize movement is really surfacing best practices in innovation—
in innovators who are doing this type of transformational work, so that others can learn from it and replicate it, so that you can actually grow yourselves.