‘TWAS THE NIGHT OF THE YASS PRIZE!(with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore) ‘Twas the night of the Yass Prize and all through the city, No unions were stirring, not even a bitty! The prize room was ready, the plaques set with care, With hopes that awardees were not yet aware! When out of the crowd there arose such a clatter; All looked to the door to see what was the matter. And who to our wondering eyes should appear, but Meek Mill, the Yass crowd and semifinalists so dear. The excitement was high, as the winners took flight, Everyone to a T is ready to fight. They fight for the freedoms most take for granted, For children whose livelihoods are not yet planted. They fight for justice and for equality, Their work brings about true opportunity. What a gift to be sure that so many are willing, To set aside ego and take second billing. It’s a Christmas miracle to know them all, From every sector and town, Mountain and city, they call. Looking back on this year we can do nothing but smile, To have known so many innovators running a marathon mile. Filling minds of kids with knowledge and care, Education’s St. Nicholas is clearly here. It’s not a person but a movement, A jolly one to be sure, With hundreds of education leaders who endure. They build, they sail, they teach beyond words, And they come bearing gifts everyday with such verve. Our hearts are so full at this Christmas time, We could be no more happy and no more sublime. As we close out the year twenty twenty-three, We say thanks to all who give kids such glee. To the merry Yass Elves we send our very best, And a Merry Christmas to our friends who do all the rest! |
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