PHOENIX, AZ — On Tuesday, October 4th at 12:30 MST in the Reading Room on the Third Floor of the Arizona Historic Capitol building, Governor Doug Ducey and Yass Prize Founder Janine Yass will announce the winners of the STOP for Arizona Education Awards which rewards six Arizona education providers who best articulated how they would scale to meet the demands of a growing number of parents wishing to utilize the state’s pioneering Empowerment Scholarship Accounts. The STOP Awards are an initiative of the Yass Prize for Sustainable, Transformational, Outstanding and Permissionless education (STOP), dedicated to supporting those who outperform for underserved students, no matter what the challenges and is powered by the pioneering Center for Education Reform (CER).
Janine Yass and her husband Jeff created The STOP for Arizona Education Awards to help educators to quickly act on delivering new opportunities to parents who want to utilize the new Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts. Governor Ducey will award one outstanding education provider The Ducey Prize, a $500,000 grand prize in honor of Governor Ducey’s leadership in giving families and children power over their education. Each of the additional $100,000 prizes will be awarded to five organizations which are ready and able to expand to the demand of parents.
- Governor Doug Ducey, Governor of Arizona
- Janine Yass, Founder of the Yass Prize and STOP Awards Initiative
Tuesday, October 4, 2022, 12:30 PM MST
Arizona Historic Capitol
Reading Room, Third Floor
1700 West Washington Street
About The Yass Prize
The $1 million Yass Prize celebrates the country’s education provider which best demonstrates the STOP principles. In conjunction with The Yass Prize, the STOP Awards Initiative this year will award over $15 million to honor educators who achieve excellence.