V is for Valiant. Victory, too.
Jan 19, 2024
| Yass Prize staff
“Great Day!” Head of School and Valiant Cross Academy (VCA) Co-founder Anthony Brock announced from the podium. “Great Day!”, the boys and guests assembled responded. Great Day, indeed.
Even if we hadn’t gotten to know the Valiant Cross story, the people who began it and lead it…
Even if we hadn’t seen the extensive judging, learned first hand about their work and seen Anthony’s awesome Accelerator pitch…
Even if we hadn’t known the extraordinary outcomes of this young school, smack dab in the middle of an ailing city on a mission to rebound to the great Montgomery, Alabama of Dr. King’s day…
This opening assembly would have told us that we were truly in the midst of an exceptional place of learning and coaching for life.
We all watched with pride and joy (and a few tears) as the Valiant young men filed in for their daily assembly, called on to pray for one another, recite the school motto and to receive warmth and love from their leaders and teachers before the start of their day.
Valiant Cross students filling into Morning Village
As Pastor Joshua Robertson, Yass alum from Harrisburg’s Rock Church and a finalist from Black Pastors United for Education would say later, a school like this needs to be in every city in the nation.
Robertson was one of the 2023 Yass Prize finalists who joined us to kick off the first Roadshow for Opportunity, who marveled at their colleague’s accomplishments and chatted non-stop about the innovations and approach to learning happening at VCA.

Janine and Yass Prize alum watching VCA in action
There were rigorous discussions about civil disobedience in one classroom where students are encouraged to “Build On” to one another’s learning, to students vocally engaged in solving math problems, to learning data and technology in the Cisco lab, to the art–oh, the art! These men activate all the senses, and through it all, educators instill spiritual clarity, build character and drive students to assume the future for which they were destined, emphasizing success in college or any number of careers. We heard it incessantly. The young men didn’t need to be prodded to speak to us, to offer a hand as we asked questions or needed something. They were just so present and so very alive.
They hear they are loved four times by four different people before they start their day to help them reset whatever they have come to school with, whatever their challenges are and to focus them on their success, the leadership shared with us.
The experience reinforced why they won.
The press conference later, and the tour of the middle school showed how important this institution is to the community. From the County Commissioner and council members to the Mayor’s representative, state lawmakers, civic leaders, business people, pastors and parents were all present, as was every Montgomery media outlet plus the state’s PBS affiliate!
Last but not least was Alabama Governor Kay Ivey’s presence, praising the school and its leadership who received an official Governor’s Commendation for the school’s ability “to transcend the challenges facing young African American men in Montgomery, Alabama” and the state.
And there were three huge announcements:
First, that the Governor is committed to establishing Education Savings Accounts to make more opportunities like Valiant available to families throughout the state.
“I’m currently working to give parents an option to create education savings accounts for their kids. Additional choices to obtain high quality education will lay the foundation for all Alabaman children to succeed and follow in the footsteps of the students at Valiant Cross Academy,” she said.
Second, that the application for the Yass Prize is now open for 2024, two months ahead of schedule to be able to capture the momentum of growing numbers of education innovators who STOP for education and can help meet parent demand; and
Third, Valiant Cross Academy will open its elementary school this fall, creating the full continuum from K-12 thanks in large part to winning the Yass Prize.
It is just the beginning – for them, for people throughout their state who need and desperately want more options, for us, as we learn and grow through such incredible stories of success, and for innovators who impress and motivate us to do more each day.
We join the gentlemen of Valiant Cross in echoing their motto, for all students as we work to RISE ABOVE!

The definition of Valiant is boldly on display!
Do you make a significant impact in education? Are you inspired to join a cohort of education innovators like our 2023 Yass Prize Winner, Valiant Cross Academy? Submit your application for the 2024 Yass Prize and showcase your innovative contributions in the nation’s premiere education competition. Apply for the Yass Prize, the Pulitzer of Education today!