Capital Prep Schools
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Recognized for its efforts to expand its outstanding education to historically disadvantaged students, providing them the college and career readiness skills needed to become responsible and engaged citizens.
Winner of 2022 STOP Award for Outstanding Education
Capital Prep Schools is an ambitious, Black-led network of public charter schools that is not only seeking to serve 7,000-10,000 students over the next ten years but whose leader is a fearless spokesperson for underserved students across the political, social and racial divides that normally deter most advocates. Focussed on the most dangerous communities in the country – the Bronx, Harlem and Bridgeport, CT, Capital Prep Schools have nevertheless graduated 100% of their students regardless of when they begin attending the schools. Capital Prep is more than a charter school. It is a leader in a movement that inspires people of all races to see the possibilities in our children, committing to providing a pathway to college for all children regardless of zip code or the education (or miseducation) they have when they arrive.

Their Story
Capital Prep was founded in a community, by the community, for the community to serve the children no other schools have been able to, and provide them access to a quality college preparatory education.

Dr. Stephen Perry
Founder & Head of Schools
We create an opportunity for a class of children where other forms of options have already failed.
Why they stand out
“Why is it that only rich kids get good schools,” a mom once asked Capital Prep Schools founder Dr. Steve Perry. More than 20 years later, Capital Prep went from a magnet school to three independent-run charter schools serving more than 1,500 students, 75 percent of whom are eligible for free or reduced lunches. Parents’ demand for the Capital Prep approach model catalyzed expansion in Bridgeport serving 250 students in grades 7-12, and even added an elementary school which feeds into the middle/high school. Parents and students in Harlem and the Bronx needed the Capital Prep approach too, so in partnership with Sean “Diddy” Combs, Capital Prep opened another school serving 160 students in grades 6 & 7, adding a grade per year to full capacity of 700 students. Now, that’s something to rap about!

How they STOP for education
Capital Prep Schools provide parents an outstanding, permissionless option, funded by education tax dollars, that is committed to the principle that there is no more powerful voice than the one that comes from communities that know enough to educate their children.
A transformational focus is on individualized teaching and learning in order to develop each student’s metacognitive skills and an individualized network of effective supports through the use of their Advisory Model.
Capital Prep is more than a public charter school. It is a leader in a movement that inspires all people to recognize and champion possibilities in students of all ages.
Winning their award
Capital Prep is already planning to open another campus in Connecticut, and the STOP Award funding will allow for even more growth opportunities. The organization will package and white label its successful strategies for others to use and find new opportunities for students like those they serve now in other places.

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